Star Trek Games For Mac Download

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Click the 'Install Game' button to initiate the file download and get compact download launcher. Locate the executable file in your local folder and begin the launcher to install your desired game. As a huge fan of the series, Star Trek Starfleet Command was a game that I spent a lot of time with during the Christmas break of 1999. Star Trek: Bridge Crew Puts You and Your Friends in the Heart of a Starship As officers of the Federation, every action and decision you make together will determine the fate of your ship and crew. Available for play with VR headsets and without, the Virtual Reality mode developed for Star Trek: Bridge Crew offers a true-to-life level of.

As a huge fan of the series, Star Trek Starfleet Command was a game that I spent a lot of time with during the Christmas break of 1999. This would actually go on to be a series of games, but today I am taking a trip back over 20 years as I look at the one that started it all. I feel that there are far more good Star Trek games than there are bad and this one here is good, but its sequels offered far more. Still, it is interesting to look back and see where it all started.

Six For The Price Of One

Star Trek Games For Mac Download

Star Trek Games For Mac Download Latest

Star Trek has such a diverse universe and one of the things that this game does very well is tough upon many parts of it. There are six playable races in this game and each one has its own campaign! You can play as The Federation, The Klingons, The Romulans, The Lyrans, The Hydrans, and The Gorn. It is a great selection and each one has their own story, missions, and personality that feels very authentic to the actual show.

Star Trek Games For Mac Download Torrent

Set Visuals To Ugly


As much as I love the series, I have to admit that Star Trek Starfleet Command has not aged very well in the graphics department. Back in 1999, it was usual for a PC game to wipe the floor with anything the PlayStation could do. However, in all honesty, I see nothing here that the PlayStation could not have handled. It is a very basic looking game, do not get me wrong it has the Star Trek feel to it, but I just feel that even at this time, not counting the games that would come after it we had better looking Star Trek games.

Arm The Torpedoes!

The gameplay has held up much better than the visuals and as a result, the game is still pretty fun to play. You pick your race and then you have to complete a series of missions. These range from engaging with another ship, blowing something in space up, and of course, ship to ship combat. Each race has its own story, but once you have mastered one, you will be able to master them all.


Each race has positives and negatives. For example, The Lyrans can do some heavy damage, but their shields are rather weak. The Federation is average in most regards, but they struggle at turning. Figuring out the best way to attack an enemy is where the tactics and strategy come into play. You really do feel like you are a commander on a ship making very important decisions. In contrast to what the sequels would offer this, I will admit is rather limited, but that does not mean it is bad.

I am sure many people will look at the screenshots for this game and think, yuck! I though had a lot of fun playing this again for the first time in a few years. I think the simplicity of the original Star Trek Starfleet Command is something that makes it very easy to get into. I will say that the games that would follow on from this did expand and make things better in every regard. Still, for a first try, this was a damn fine effort.

Final Score


  • You can play as six different races
  • Each race has its own campaign
  • The game is very easy to get into
  • You have to think about the way you attack each ship you come across
  • It has that Star Trek feel to it


  • I will admit that it is not as good as the games that would follow
  • The game is pretty ugly in the looks department
Overall rating: 7.5