Magento Mac Download


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1. php7, mysql 5.6+, apache2 are required to install Magento 2. Those should have been installed already in Mac OS High Sierra.

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2. cd into a directory where you want to place the Magento 2 installation, this composer command below will create a directory called Magento 2 and download all the base code into this directory. It will ask you for credentials, go to to create an account if you don’t have one, and then login ->My Profile ->Marketplace ->Access Keys

  1. In order to install Magento on MacOS, we need to first download the file by visiting its official website the file into /Library/WebServer/Documents and run the following command.
  2. Magento Responsive Theme Computer Store. This Magento theme is an exclusive theme crafted for computer outlets. With two column layout, it comes with sliced PSD, cross-browser compatibility, cloud zoom, social options, favicon, Google maps and web fonts, video merging option and supports Spanish and Russian, other than English. Free Demo Download.

3. Create a apache httpd config file for hosting Magento 2 locally on your machine, the file name can be httpd_magento2.conf and put the following in it, the file can be placed in the magento2 folder.

Explore the functionality of Store Manager for Magento - a unique tool for managing your online store effectively. With this easy-to-use application, you get an excellent opportunity to administer categories, products, manufacturers, suppliers, customers, orders, etc. Check your server. To install Magento, you should have a server that corresponds with the following. Mac OS is a product of Apple company for Macintosh series computer to use Mac OS you have to pay big Amount of money to buy, It is paid product so lost Out of box features and supported provided by the Company Having nice graphical user interface to use to individual users, Games, apps, applications available for use. It good for individual use.

4. Open apache httpd config file located in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf, and add this line to include the above httpd config file for the Magento 2.

5. Restart apache2 server for the above httpd configuration changes.

6. In your magento2 folder, run the following command in order. _www is the username of apache server. On a production server, for security reasons, it’s better to create a user for mangento2 and add that user to the apache2 user group, and grant that group the access to the magento2 file system.

Mac Download Folder

7. Open this url on a browser, and a setup wizard shall be presented.

8. Check for readiness.

9. Install mcrypt and intl if it hasn’t installed yet on your mac os.

10. Open /etc/php.ini and append this line to it. Replace no-debug-non-zts-20160303 with yours. If the php.ini does not exist, create it by copy from /etc/php.ini.default

11. Comment out this line in the php.ini file.

12. Restart apache server

13. Create a database called magento in mysql.


Magento Download Free

14. Go back to the web browser, in the add database step, change localhost to

15. For local development the username and password can just be magento magneto2, and the admin url can be just localhost/admin

16. On Mac High Sierra, the pre-installed php did not compiled with freetype. And you will get error Image CAPTCHA requires FT fonts support when trying to log into the magento admin localhost/admin. To get pass this, open the vendor/zendframework/zend-captcha/src/Image.php, and update the constructor to this:

Or reinstall the php using brew, and update the apache httpd.conf to use the php from brew instead of the one provided by Mac OS.

Mac Downloader

Installed code base in Github
Official installation guide: